To all the students across South Africa that gave us their time and artistic efforts with so much love, to the frontliners whose lives we touched with tenderness and immense respect, and to everyone else who played their role in making this project such a success, I say such a big thank you. The schools and hospitals are too numerous to mention all in one message, but please know that each and every one of you gave something that is so sorely lacking in our society right now: A little piece of your heart, a little act of kindness, and a nod towards “We stand as one, and not apart”. More than ever we know this, that we are all connected … when we move, the ripple effects of our movements ripple everywhere, and when we feel, the waves of emotion en masse literally crash through all of us.
We need to start moving and feeling as one, as the single, unified nation we aspire to be. We can lift each other up, so much higher, just like #colousr4frontliners has done for our doctors & nurses & all frontliners. After a ten month journey that has pulled at my heartstrings, it’s time end this chapter. The insta page @colours4frontliners remains up for everyone to enjoy. Again, my most sincere thanks to everyone who has participated and given so generously, especially Lushan Turner and the ZEBRA MEDICAL team. A special shout out to Crawford International School in PTA for your most recent efforts.
Thoughts from Dr Rinesh Chetty to #colours4frontliners and Crawford International Pretoria:
As I sit here to today writing this, I just got the update from our Co-vid team that there is a new 4th wave on its way to South Africa.
This news would have scared me about 6 months ago, but today find myself less anxious. I am rather calm as I prepare once again for the December surge. As frontline workers we are prepared to do what we need to do, because of what you as the next generation have proven to us: that there is light at the end of this tunnel.
It amazes and inspires me every day when my two Crawford kids remind me how I must cover my sneeze, wear my mask and wash my hands. You guys remind me that there is hope and we will over this virus.
The younger generation globally and locally have given us back our faith in humanity. Your United efforts, overwhelming support and willingness to follow the science has given us the chance and ability to push back the virus.
With you by our sides standing strong and growing up with the knowledge and education required to continue our fight, we know this world is in good hands and will be probably better off with you at the wheel.
We are not scared anymore, I fight, we fight, this pandemic war and battle each wave for our children and for you, the next generation, knowing you will do better.
We all need to understand. We all need to help each other. We all need to beat this. We all need to move forward. We all must do this — for ourselves, our loved ones and most of all humanity.
We have been battling this global medical emergency for more than two years. A single strand of RNA has proven to be more powerful than any border, bank balance or army.
Not only did this pandemic prove how fragile our existence on this planet is, but it has also exposed how we have some people that just like drama, attention, “clicks” and “likes” to a point that it may have very well end our way of life.
We have made such ingenious strides in science, technology, communication, education and equality that, on paper, we should have beaten or, at least, controlled this pandemic by now.
We all know masks work, gatherings are spreader events, basic hygiene helps, there are no miracle cures and the benefits of vaccination.
Our biggest challenge is not the treatment. We know what’s working, we have plans in place, we have the experience and we are vaccinating. We are winning many more battles than we are losing, slowly but surely.
The original panic and fear gripped us all equally in the beginning, but as the science spoke and medicine learnt, healthcare workers gained valuable experience, knowledge and insight. Many of the public followed suit.
Our biggest fight right now is the disease of misinformation and fake news.
The only vaccine and for cure for this is education.
To our children and younger generation.
Don’t listen to fake news, follow the science, avoid panic, educate yourselves and those around you and stay the course.
It’s time to your generation to take control and prove to the world what it means to stand United and brave. You are our spirit, our inspiration and our frontline.
Chin up, stand tall and do what you can to help yourself, your loved ones and humanity. Be safe this December as you have done this whole year.
You doing it right so keep doing it.
Hang in there. We will see the end — slowly but surely.
Take control, be strong and thank you most of all being there for us. I will cherish all your artwork every day.
Thank you
Rinesh Chetty
Your friendly neighborhood doctor.